Adult Orthodontics

Orthodontic treatment is no longer just for teens. In fact, the American Association of Orthodontists states that one in five orthodontic patients is over the age of 21. Many adults are choosing to receive treatment because they understand the importance of maintaining their health, and they want to feel better about their appearance. Adults everywhere are taking advantage of the opportunity to receive orthodontic care, and now you can, too. To learn more about the benefits of adult orthodontics in Derby, Kansas, please contact Dental Professionals LLC at 316-788-2118 to schedule an appointment. We understand that you have a busy schedule, and we will work with you to make sure each office visit is as convenient as possible. Our dentists, Dr. Ysidro, Dr. Barakeh and Dr. Chung and our team look forward to seeing you.

Do you worry that you are too old to straighten your teeth? You are never too old for orthodontics! In fact, about 25% of orthodontic patients are now adults. At our practice, we want you to know that a straight, healthy, beautiful smile is within your reach — no matter your age. We offer a number of orthodontic treatments and are happy to help you find the option that matches your personal needs and desires. In addition to traditional metal braces, more discreet options are often available to help you maintain a natural, professional appearance while you straighten your teeth. During your initial visit with our dentists, we will review all of your treatment options and help you choose the one you need for optimal results.

Most patients understand that a straighter smile is more aesthetic; however, not everyone knows that properly aligned teeth can help to improve your oral health and function as well. Orthodontic treatment can help you avoid severe tooth decay, gum and bone loss, TMJ (TMD) pain, and the irregular wear of tooth enamel. To learn more about the benefits of adult orthodontic treatment, we welcome you to call or visit us today. We look forward to helping you achieve a straighter, healthier smile!