
For most people, achieving a healthy, beautiful smile is the reason for choosing to receive orthodontic care. If you are self-conscious about your smile, having braces can greatly improve the way you look and feel. Our dentists, Dr. Carol Ysidro, Dr. Omar Barakeh and Dr. Alycia Chung are happy to offer the following orthodontic treatments:

When your treatment at Dental Professionals LLC is complete, you will have the smile you have always dreamed of, as well as the confidence to show it off! We also want you to feel comfortable and confident throughout your entire orthodontic experience, so our practice is dedicated to making sure that you receive the quality care you deserve. Please call 316-788-2118 today to receive your orthodontics in Derby, Kansas!

Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry focused on correcting irregularities of the teeth and jaw, especially in how they align and fit together. There are several orthodontic treatment options available, and our team will make certain that you receive the one that is right for your personal needs. Through orthodontics, we can correct teeth that are:

  • Misaligned

  • Crowded

  • Gapped and spaced

We can also correct problems with the alignment of the bite, including overbites, underbites, open bites and crossbites. Orthodontic treatment is faster, more comfortable and more effective than in years past, making it a great time to straighten your smile.

While many patients think of orthodontics as an effective way to improve the aesthetics of their smiles, orthodontic treatment can also be very beneficial to your oral health and function. Correctly aligned teeth are generally at a lower risk for dental problems, such as tooth decay and gum disease. Orthodontics can also make it easier for you to chew, eat and speak properly. To learn more about orthodontics and the treatment methods we provide at our office, we invite you to contact us today. Our dentists and team are dedicated to helping you achieve a straighter, healthier and more beautiful smile!