Sleep Apnea Treatment

Are you drowsy during the day with no explanation? Do you snore loudly or wake up breathless in the middle of the night? If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you may be one of more than 12 million Americans who are affected by sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a condition in which your breathing stops periodically during sleep, as many as 20-30 times per hour. Each time you stop breathing in your sleep, the lack of oxygen alerts your brain, which temporarily wakes you up to restart proper breathing. Since the time spent awake is so brief, most people with sleep apnea do not remember it, and many believe they are getting a good night’s sleep when, in fact, they are not. The constant wake-sleep, wake-sleep cycle prevents those with sleep apnea from achieving deep sleep, resulting in a constant drowsy feeling during the day.

The following symptoms can indicate the presence of sleep apnea. If you notice one or more of these, contact Dental Professionals LLC at 316-788-2118.

  • Insomnia or difficulty sleeping

  • Loud snoring at night

  • Waking up at night short of breath

  • Snorting or choking sounds during the night (indicating a restart of breathing)

  • Headaches upon waking in the morning

  • Falling asleep unintentionally during the day

  • Extreme drowsiness throughout the day

Sleep apnea treatments in Derby, Kansas, depend on the severity of each individual case and the type of apnea. Basic treatment can be behavioral — for instance, patients are instructed to lose weight, stop smoking, or sleep on their sides instead of on their backs. Beyond that, oral devices can be used to position the mouth in such a way that prevents throat blockage. In more severe cases, surgery may be the best option. Our dentists, Dr. Ysidro, Dr. Barakeh or Dr. Chung can help you find the most suitable treatment. Please feel free to contact or stop by our office for more information.